Find Data Available from GOOSE Publishers

You can use filters in the Data Miner to find data that is available from GOOSE publishers.

  1. Go to the Data Miner tool
  2. Click on the GOOSE filter. This filters all the data objects in the substation to show data that is available from GOOSE publishers. It also groups the data by IED name.
  3. You can further filter the GOOSE data by other columns like LN Class, Common Data Class, or LN Prefix.
  4. After you find the data you need, then you can subscribe to the GOOSE stream to receive events

Learn more about filtering and grouping in the Data Miner

Creating New Filters

You can create your own filters in the Data Miner:

  1. Set your filter and group settings for the columns (learn more here)
  2. Select "Save as"
  3. Name your filter and click save

Note: the filters in the Data Miner are available from any workspace because they are saved globally (not in individual workspaces).

PREVIOUS: Subscribing to GOOSE     |     NEXT: View GOOSE Events